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September 2022

Recently, we have noticed that Vertical Farming worldwide...

1. Media coverage 2. Business partners and clients 3. Cash Flow Development 4. Presentation Of The Operation Exclusively For Investors 5. High Interest In Subscribing For Share

1. Media coverage

Recently, we have noticed that Vertical Farming has reached a high media presence worldwide and also in Switzerland. Since then, some media contacted us to get an interview or to film our farm in Neuhausen. Due to the vacation and summer season we had to pay attention to our capacities and so GreenState AG was published in the Handelszeitung and Landboten in the last months.
In the near future, GreenState AG would like to hire an experienced PR agency to improve GreenState's presence in media coverage.

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2. Business partners and clients

As mentioned earlier, such high media exposure creates an interest in local, pesticide-free, and healthy food production, and as a result, several potential partners have contacted us with the goal of working with us, or becoming a GreenState customer.
So far, the largest iceberg lettuce production company has contacted us to partner on iceberg lettuce production, and the largest herb production company has also contacted us to partner and build the modular farm for herb production.
Both partners are poised to expand GreenState capacity to an additional 560m2 of growing space under the lamps, which will maximize our growing space with minimal land use.

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3. Cash Flow Development

GreenState AG is a young start-up company with a vision to develop technical solutions for healthy, pestizi free, wholesome and locally produced food. Being an innovative and young start-up company, we were able to assemble a great team of young and innovative people focused on developing great solutions for local food production.
During our brainstorming, research and planning sessions, we were able to come up with some more operating cash flow models that will increase the company's liquidity and create more jobs for more young and innovative people. More products and services that will improve the operating cash flow.

Discovery Sessions:

This service is implemented as an agile solution for companies in Switzerland that are ready to enter modular or vertical agriculture, but it is still difficult for them to understand if this option is the right decision for them, what the costs and profits are. This is where GreenState AG comes in, with a team of agri-crop experts, technical engineers, software developers and business leaders working to create a theoretical concept that companies can use to decide whether or not it makes sense for them to enter vertical farming. So far, GreenState AG has already launched an exploratory tour for an external customer.

Growing pots:

GreenState AG is developing specially designed pots made of organic and bio-friendly materials that can be used in private households as well as in industrial production. The pots will be easy to use, recyclable and cost friendly. The purpose of developing new services and products is to diversify the range of services and products, develop a strong brand name for modular and vertical farming, and increase the company's valuation before going public. CFO Christian Hörler has already had some discussions with rating companies that are willing to lead us to the most successful vertical agriculture IPO to date.

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4. Presentation Of The Operation Exclusively For Investors

Recently, we have worked very hard to implement our technical solutions in modular and vertical cultivation concepts. We have also embarked on complete digitalization in terms of farm management, data collection and data management. Furthermore, we have decided to switch the cultivation of CBD to herbs and chili, as the CBD price has lost up to 80% of its market value and some of our future business partners are continuing the cultivation as a pilot project instead.
Since we have so many tasks to accomplish in the near future and we take every task very seriously, we have decided to hold a product presentation only for our current investors and a public farm opening once we have hired a professional PR agency.
This decision was very difficult to make, because we know how important PR is nowadays. The current investors of GreenState AG will receive an official invitation to the presentation by mail, e-mail and will also be informed about time and place by phone. All persons who subscribe shares until 27.09.2022 can participate in the investor presentation.
The event will be organized in the following form: 1. apero and networking, 2. dinner and company presentation, 3. Q&A.

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5. High Interest In Subscribing For Share

During the summer, countless people ordered investor documents and were willing to subscribe to shares at a price of CHF 7.50. Many of these people were away from Switzerland on vacation and were therefore unable to subscribe. Many of these people were out of Switzerland on vacation and therefore could not subscribe to the shares, but were very interested to participate in our company as early stage supporters.
After a discussion with the notary in Winterthur, we decided to hold another share round at the price of CHF 7.50 for all investors who were not able to subscribe at this price due to the vacation season, in order to offer equal opportunities to all.
The price per share of CHF 7.50 will only be available until the end of September, after which the share price will be increased to CHF 10.00.

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